Curriculum Vitae


Ph.D. (Computer Science)

Bringing Computational Thinking to K-12 and Higher Education
Kansas State UniversityManhattan, KS2013-2017

M.S. (Computer Science)

A Convolutive Model for Polyphonic Instrument Identification and Pitch Detection using Combined Classification
Kansas State UniversityManhattan, KS2011-2013

B.S. (Computer Systems Technology)

Kansas State UniversitySalina, KS2007-2011
Work Experience

Teaching Assistant Professor

  • Primary responsibilities include teaching and advising students, as well as service to the department/university, involvement with student organizations, outreach to the community, and research.
  • Co-Director of the Advancing Learning and Teaching Computer Science (ALT+CS) Lab - Manage and conduct computer science education research, outreach to the Kansas community, and support students in pursuing computer science education.
Kansas State UniversityManhattan, KSFall 2017 - Present


Lead developer for the data science and visualization in AAPT's Data Explorer, a data analytics portal for physics assessments. Primary responsibilities include developing and maintaining a large Django web server and MongoDB database and consulting on research including machine learning and data science.

IndependentManhattan, KS2018 - Present

Graduate Research Assistant

  • CSUSM subaward (2017) – This subaward is to extend the Data Explorer on to allow educators to create and analyze custom assessments. This will provide an easy to use interface to let researchers to examine their experimental assessments and allow departments to input and share data about their classes.
  • Capability Inference based on Dynamic Topic Modeling and Text Information Extraction (2016 – 2017) – Co-system architect with responsibilities such as system design, data extraction, modeling, and integration, as well as training and supervising undergraduate researchers in machine learning and text analytics for a project funded through Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories.
  • NSF WIDER (2013 – 2016) – Lead developer and in charge of supervising and training undergraduate researchers for a web application known as the Data Explorer with the American Association for Physics Teachers (AAPT). The Data Explorer is an analytics portal that gives educators the ability to gain insights from assessment data, using online information retrieval and visualization through a federated display. This creates a streamlined process for users to upload assessment data to explore. The overall objective of this project is to let educators from all levels (high school, undergraduate, graduate, etc.) to interact with their data and anonymous summaries of data from other instructors in a usable, efficient, and secure way that has previously been a tedious, and sometimes impossible, task. The focus of this research is to facilitate importing, validating, integrating, and visualizing assessment data. This will be expanded for custom assessments, as well as other academic areas, such as computer science, in the future.
  • Sandia National Lab (2012) – Worked closely with Dr. Mitch Neilsen to create cross platform installers for software created as a collaboration with Sandia National Labs.
Kansas State UniversityManhattan, KS2012 - 2017

Insight GK12 Fellow

Develop lesson plans and activities to bring technologies to rural, K-12 classrooms.

Kansas State UniversityManhattan, KS2013 - 2015

Graduate Teaching Assistant

Primary responsibilities included holding office hours, grading, lecturing, and supervising laboratories. Courses taught include: CIS 102-104 (spreadsheet, word, and database applications), CIS 200 (programming fundamentals), and CIS 415 (ethics and computing technology).

Kansas State UniversityManhattan, KS2011-2014

System Engineer Intern

Assisted in the implementation and support of Cerner's Enterprise Solutions, including system upgrades and overall system performance management.

Cerner CorporationKansas City, MOMay 2011 - July 2011

Writing Center Tutor

Provided tutoring services to students in need of help with writing essays, research papers, cover letters, resumes, and other documents

Kansas State UniversitySalina, KS2011

IT Assistant

Resolved Help Desk tickets and provide assistance/support for users. Assisted in researching and testing of process and equipment upgrades.

Kasa Industrial Controls IncSalina, KS2010 - 2011

Technology Intern

Worked as a computer intern in the CRCL (Corporate Regulatory Certification Laboratory). Deployed and developed a Microsoft Silverlight web application. Researched to improve software systems used by the CRCL.

Philips LightingSalina, KS2008 - 2010

CIS 115 - Introduction to Computing Technology

A survey of the discipline of Computing Science and its interaction with other disciplines, incorporating historical development, theories, and tools of Computing Science (algorithm design and programming). Topics include: mechanical computers, digital computers, big data, AI, robotics, security, scientific computing, simulation, and web technologies. Students also learn Python as part of this course to reinforce the previously mentioned topics.

Fall 2017-present

CIS 300 - Data and Program Structures

A study of common data and program structures together with associated algorithms. Topics include interfaces, design patterns, arrays, stacks, queues, lists, trees, hash tables, recursion, binary search, and tree traversals. Experience with both use and implementation of these structures and algorithms using a modern programming language. Discussion of trade-offs involving performance and software maintainability. Currently, this course is taught in C#.

Fall 2017-present

CIS 308 - C Programming Laboratory

A lab-based course focused on teaching the C programming language. Topics include arrays, pointers, dynamic memory, structs, and other fundamental concepts of the C language.

Spring 2019

CIS 560 - Database System Concepts

Concepts, approaches, and techniques in database management. Representation of information as data, data storage techniques, foundations of logical data models, data retrieval, database design, transaction management, integrity and security.

Spring 2020-2022

CC 520 - Database fundamentals

Introduction to SQL databases for non-cs majors. Concepts, approaches, and techniques in database management. Representation of information as data, data storage techniques, foundations of logical data models, data retrieval, database design, transaction management, integrity and security.

Spring 2022-present

CIS 595 - IS Cooperative Internship

The intern works in a professional capacity in various areas of Information Systems such as web development, programming, application development, or information technology. Student is supervised by a professional and a faculty member. Written documentation and oral presentation of project goals, experiences, and accomplishments.

Fall 2017-2019

CIS 640 - Software Testing Techniques

Survey of software testing methodologies; evaluation of software testing strategies; experience in a variety of software testing practices.

Spring 2018-2022


Planned and taught an hour introduction to programming lesson to 4th-6th grade students from the Manhattan Kansas Starbase program. In a pair programming exercise, students translated the sheet music of the song Ode to Joy using the Scratch programming language.


STEM Summer Institute

Planned and taught programming courses to 5th-9th grade students. These courses range in theme, including introduction to Scratch programming, artificial intelligence, game design, and micro controllers. Lesson are aimed to give young students an introduction to programming and other technology, as well as get them interested in pursuing a STEM- field.

Summer 2014-present

Boy Scouts of America

Planned and taught a half day workshop for the Boy Scouts robotics badge. Scouts learned robotic fundamentals, including safety, design, programming, and applications.


Girl Scouts of the USA

Created and planned a three-hour workshop for junior girl scouts to learn about artificial intelligence. Scouts learned the basics in translating simple human intelligence into computer controlled sprite, how artificial neural networks operate, and how supercomputing clusters operate. This workshop relied heavily on the Scratch programming language and CS unplugged activities.

Spring 2016, 2017


Participated in outreach programs designed to engage young women in 6th-12th grade in STEM. As part of these programs, I taught lessons in storytelling, music, and artificial intelligence in the Scratch programming language.

2015, 2017

K-State Codes – Introduction to Python

Develop and instruct an accelerated course on Python programming. This course is a free, non-credit course open to all students and faculty of K-State. This course aims to teach fundamental programming concepts and syntax in the Python language.

Fall 2016 - 2017

CIS 415 - Ethics and Computing Technology

Ethics and Computing Technology covers ethical and moral issues that involve computing technologies and their impact on society. This class is given in two eight-week sections, leveraging a flipped classroom model and covering topics including basic ethical principles and theories, software engineering and ACM codes of ethics, privacy, cyber security, safety-critical software, and computing technologies in society. Served as a graduate teaching assistant for the first section, and am currently serving as an instructor for the second.

Fall 2016

Insight GK12

Develop and deliver technology and engineering lessons at the K-12 level. Lessons include, but are not limited to sensors, Lego NXT robots, Scratch programming, Wii remotes, and Kinect sensors. A goal of this program is to expose students, particularly from rural areas, to engineering and various technologies.


CIS 200 - Programming Fundamentals

Programming Fundamentals is an introduction to Java programming with a small focus on C#. Students focus on learning how to program in Java as well as general programming practices and methodology. Responsibilities included teaching multiple lab sections, proctoring exams, grading, and holding regular office ours.

Professional Service
SIGCSE Associate Program Chair2021
Kansas Computer Science Teacher Standards — Writer2021
Kansas Computer Science Model Standards — Developer, Writer, Ecosystem Lead2018-2020
Reviewer for SIGCSE2017-2021
Reviewer for ITiCSE2017-2021
Reviewer for ASEE2016-2022
Reviewer for IJCCI2018
Reviewer for CSTA2018
Reviewer for ICLS2018
Reviewer for CSCL2016,2018
University Service
Academic Assessment Committee2017-present
Advisor Committee2017-present
Curriculum Committee2017-present
Engineering Reinstatement Committee2017-present
ACM club advisor2017-present
Hack K-State club advisor2017-present
Web Development club advisor2017-present
High School Programming Contest organizer/judge2017-present

Computer Science Teachers Association

Kansas Chapter 


Association for Computing Machinery


Association for Computing Machinery - SIGCSE


Association for Computing Machinery - ACM-W


American Society for Engineering Education


Kansas Partnership for Applied Computational Thinking

Treasurer Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS


Computer Science for All Consortium

Research Member 


Laboratory for Knowledge Discovery in Databases

Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS


Kevin and Jacquie Elmore - Carl and Mary Ice Teaching Scholar

Kansas State University2020-2025

Teaching Excellence Award

Department of Computer Science, Kansas State University2020-2023

College of Engineering Team Award of Excellence

Kansas State University2021

Research and the State - 1st place (STEM Education Group)

Kansas State University2016

Kansas State Research Forum - 2nd place

Engineering, Math, and Physical Sciences Poster Session2014
Host Institution
Awarding Agency
K-State Rural Innovation Academy for Teaching Enrichment (KRIATE)
10/01/2022 – 09/30/2027Co-PIKansas State UniversityPatterson Family Foundation$3,099,030
BPC-DP: Broadening Participation of Underrepresented Groups Through the Computational Core Initiative
10/01/2022 – 09/30/2025Co-PIKansas State UniversityNational Science Foundation$299,998
CS4KS: Continuing to Expand the K-State Cyber Pipeline
10/01/2023 – 06/30/2024PIKansas State UniversityKansas Department of Education$748,000
CS4KS: Expanding the Cyber Pipeline Program
12/01/2022 – 06/30/2023PIKansas State UniversityKansas Department of Education$471,656